Security Clearances - United States Department of State
Personnel vetting is the process used to assess individuals seeking to obtain security clearances to allow access to classified national security information or for those seeking public trust and low risk/non-sensitive positions.
Security Clearance FAQs - United States Department of State
A security clearance allows an individual filling a specific position to have access to classified national security information up to and including the level of clearance they hold, as long as the individual has a “need to know” the information and signed a non-disclosure agreement.
security information and granted a public trust certification or security clearance on behalf of the Department of State. To check the status of a security clearance, internship candidates should reach out to the CSC as they are available for questions at [email protected] or 571-345-3186. Additionally, they can be
All About Security Clearances - United States Department of State
Jan 20, 2009 · Most individuals will be granted a security clearance, although complicating factors or derogatory findings may delay a decision or result in a denial of a security clearance. Learn more about the security clearance process by reviewing our FAQs on security clearances.
Facility Security Clearance (FCL) FAQ - United States Department …
Requirements for Obtaining a Facility Security Clearance. 9. Is there a pre-test to determine likelihood of the successful offeror getting an FCL? No. There is no process for informal / preliminary gauging the likelihood of the successful offeror qualifying for an FCL clearance. 10. Can a contractor request its own FCL? No.
FAQs - United States Department of State
Jan 20, 2009 · 1. Who can apply for a security clearance? Individuals cannot initiate a security clearance application on their own. Rather, the Bureau of Human Resources determines whether a Department of State position will require a security clearance based upon the duties and responsibilities of the position. If the position requires access to classified ...
Continuous Evaluation (CE) Program - United States Department …
A security clearance allows an individual filling a specific position to have access to classified national security information up to and including the level of clearance that they hold as long as the individual has a “need to know” the information and signed a non-disclosure agreement.
What chance does someone with a misdemeanor conviction have …
All security clearances and suitability determinations are handled on a case-by-case basis, employing the whole-person concept. The recency, severity, and duration of an incident are some of the factors weighed in the adjudicative process. For more information, visit https://www.state.gov/security-clearances.
Any questions concerning the security clearance process can be directed to the Office of Personnel Security and Suitability, Customer Service Center at [email protected] or telephone 1-866-643-INFO (4636).
Security Clearance FAQs - United States Department of State
FAQs backtotop General Subject Background Profile Substance Use Background Investigation Process Miscellaneous Contact Industrial Security General What is the purpose of a security clearance? The purpose of a security clearance is to allow an individual access to classified national security information. Can I apply for a security clearance? No. Applicants cannot initiate a …