The ASX Austraclear System also has the ability to record and settle Fixed Income Securities and Discount Securities. A FIS is typically a Bond issued by one of the following:
In 2017, the ASX Corporate Governance Council (“Council”) agreed that it was an appropriate time to commence work on a fourth edition of the Principles and Recommendations to address emerging issues around culture, values and trust, fuelled by recent examples of conduct by some listed entities falling short of community standards and
The cash trade facility allows participants to pay and receive cash on the ASX Austraclear System, either as a same day transaction or for a date in the future. A cash trade is a two sided transaction that requires
ASX Austraclear Client Services can be contacted on Austraclear@ or 1300 362 257 (within Australia) or +61 2 8298 8474 (outside Australia) who will provide a certificate for the new